Annie Hayes Wellness Staff
It is impossible to do this work alone. A huge, heartfelt thank you to the teachers and staff below that aid Annie Hayes Wellness & Yoga in bringing affordable yoga and wellness to our communities.
Joe Popham
About: Joe grew up in Duluth, MN and studied at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He has lived in the metro area ever since, except two summers - one each in Costa Rica and France.
He practices and guides yoga to promote inner peace and loving community through the realization of our truest, deepest Self(s). He seeks to understand each student’s unique needs and goals, in order to best serve them as individuals, and as a community.
Teaching Style: Joe's teaching style involves break-down and flow through fundamental power vinyasa postures, linking breath to movement at a moderate, intuitive pace. Intentionally guided to explore full body and mind.
Advice to New Yogis/Yoginis: Everything you need, you already have. You are welcome and valued here - please come share your light! Breathe and smile!
Favorite Asana (pose): Samasthiti and supta baddha konasana have both been mainstays for a while now.
Lauren Kvasnicka
About: Lauren grew up in Rochester, MN. She studied Nutrition and Peace Studies at The College of St. Benedict and St. John's University and earned her Masters of Public Health from the University of Minnesota in Community Health Promotion. Lauren has live in Minneapolis since 2011-currently residing in NE.
Lauren works in senior wellness as an Aging-In-Place Program Coordinator for a local nonprofit in Hennepin County. She also instructs senior fitness classes, Spinning, and other forms of group fitness. In her free time, Lauren enjoys supporting local music, walks through the neighborhood, and cribbage!
Teaching Style: Lauren believes that breath is the most valuable tool to connect mind and body so expect one or two breathing exercises in her class. She wants students to discover poses and shapes relative to their own bodies and does so by providing lots of options and modifications.
Advice to New Yogis/Yoginis: Have an open mind and focus on yourself. Find gratitude for the mind, body, and spirit you have by showing up and being present.
Favorite Asana (pose): Prasarita Padottanasana (wide leg forward fold) is my go to for tight hamstrings and gentle hip release and Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) because there is always something to refine and refresh in down dog!